Website Optimization: Increasing Google Search Console Scores



Navigating the dynamic landscape of Google Search Console might seem like navigating a labyrinth. The platform is ever-evolving, and keeping up with the changes can prove to be a challenging task. To illustrate, we recently encountered a situation where approximately 40 pages of a website we were managing were flagged for having a 4+ second Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – an issue we had optimized before. Evidently, between then and now, the factors influencing this metric had evolved.

When you notice changes like these, it’s essential to act promptly and adapt your strategies accordingly. That’s precisely what we did, and we would like to share our journey and learning with you.

Embracing Change: Reacting to Altered Google Metrics

Our first step in addressing the LCP issue was implementing A/B testing with WP Rocket settings. After several rounds of testing, we established an optimized configuration that effectively improved our LCP results.

The three key changes we made were:

  • Delaying JavaScript Execution: This strategy prevented render-blocking, a situation where browsers can’t display a webpage until it finishes processing the complete HTML document.
  • Optimizing CSS Delivery with Async Option: By doing this, we enabled CSS to load concurrently with other assets, thereby improving page load times.
  • Disabling LazyLoad: Given that we utilized another tool for this functionality, alongside next-generation image optimization, we found that disabling LazyLoad in WP Rocket produced better outcomes.

The Power of Tweaks: Making Additional Minor Changes

Beyond the aforementioned changes, we made minor tweaks to our post template to ensure no adverse effect on First Contentful Paint (FCP). Moreover, we identified and removed any unused CSS that was previously loaded, leading to further enhancements in page load times.

The result? A tremendous reduction in our LCP by three seconds, skyrocketing our Google score back to the 90’s on mobile devices!

The Continuous Optimization Journey

Our experience underscores one critical message: website optimization is not a ‘one-and-done’ task. It’s an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring, analysis, and adjustments. Keeping an eye on your scores and adapting to changes swiftly can ensure that your website provides the optimal experience for your customers.

Nevertheless, this process can be complex and time-consuming. If you feel overwhelmed by the idea of constantly monitoring and tweaking your website’s performance, we’re here to help. With our expertise, we can maintain your site’s performance and ensure it runs smoothly, month over month.

After all, in this digital age, ensuring your website’s optimal performance isn’t just about gaining a higher Google score; it’s about providing an unparalleled user experience that keeps your visitors coming back for more. Let us help you make this a reality.

Ready to get started or have questions?

We’d love to talk about how we can work together or help you to brainstorm your next project and see how we might help.

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